Customer Testimonials

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James (Eric) Buckelew

James (Eric) Buckelew

I live in Gulf Breeze, Florida along the beautiful Gulf of Mexico. We sustained a near direct hit from Hurricane Ivan about one week ago. Thankfully, we only had minor roof damage and pool damage. Until this past Monday, we were without water, phone and electricity. For about 5 days, my Brasslite Turbo cooked food and heated water for an improvised shower for my wife and I. The local Lowes store was out of propane and Coleman fuel, but had plenty of denatured alcohol on the shelves!!! Just wanted to let you know that your little stove ROCKS!!! It sips fuel and heats A LOT of water. I rigged a windscreen/pot support out of left over 2 x 4’s and was able to heat several large kitchen pots for hot shower water. I must admit, I was a little disappointed when the power came back on and I had to put the stove away! Happily, backpacking season is just around the corner. Thanks for producing a rugged, bomb-proof piece of equipment that can be counted on when the chips are down! Please feel free to use this letter in your testimonials section.
Warmest regards,
James (Eric) Buckelew
Gulf Breeze, Florida

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