Customer Testimonials

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Guff Abbott

Guff Abbott

Just thought I’d let you know that your Turbo II-D design is tough. My 12-year-old son and I were camping; I was teaching him, among other things, how to cook with your stove. It was very windy; we were camped under a stand of hickory trees. Sticks and hickory nuts were falling off the trees quite regularly. I commented to my son, “One of hose better not fall into our dinner!” Five minutes later (and, fortunately after our dinner was complete and the stove had burned out) a large stick — with leaves and two hickory nuts — fell out of the hickory tree and landed — bullseye — directly in the hole on top of the Turbo II-D. The thing must have fallen from 50 feet up. The only visible “damage” was a small dimple on the bottom of the stove (from the impact of the stick) and a small bend in the very edge of the flame opening. I have “unbent” the flame opening, and the dimple on the bottom simply gives my stove more “character.” If I had been using a “soda can stove,” I’d have been stoveless for the remainder of the weekend. At any rate, I just wanted you to know that I appreciate the sturdy construction of your stoves. Mine has now withstood a hickory stick bombardment.
Guff Abbott

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